Selected Assignments


1-3/2024 * Disabled People’s Organisations Denmark (DPOD)
Co-consultant in an assignment to assist DPOD in the development of guidelines, assessment criteria and application formats for a new Support for Programmes modality under the Danish Disability Fund.

01-02/2022 * CARE Denmark – Internationally, with focus on Uganda
Carried out a Final Evaluation of CARE Denmark’s Climate Learning and Advocacy for Resilience (CLAR) programme. The main purpose of the final evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the CLAR programme with a particular focus on its advocacy component, assessing if and how CLAR and partner CSOs had influenced and contributed to climate related policy improvements. The evaluation included a field visit to Uganda.

09-11/2021 * Danmission – Denmark
Assistance and quality assurance in the preparation of Danmission’s application to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a Strategic Partnership Programme agreement 2022-2025.

11/2019 * CARE Denmark – Uganda
Undertook a mid-term review of the DANIDA funded Strengthening Resilience and Promoting Inclusive Governance (STRENGPO) Program in Uganda. Climate resilience and natural resources governance. Kyegegwe, Kyenjojo and Arua districts + nationally.

01/2019 * Uganda National NGO Forum / Democratic Governance Facility – Uganda
International Consultant in a team of three consultants undertaking a Comprehensive Organisational Assessment of the Uganda National NGO Forum. The assessment included consultations with member CSOs and other stakeholders in 14 regions across the country, consultations with key stakeholders at national level, and a capacity assessment of UNNGOF’s secretariat and Board in Kampala.

11/2018 * Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) – Uganda
Team Leader for a review of ADRA’s Action for Social Change programme in three districts of the Karamoja sub-region. Focus on organisational capacity building, village savings and loans associations, income generation activities and advocacy work.

09/2018 * Democratic Governance Facility – Uganda
Carried out an organisational assessment of the DGF Facility Management Unit in light of programmatic changes for the second phase of the programme. Analysed the programmatic and organisational implications of bringing a function to support small CSOs in-house to the facility, including recommendations for next steps in the formulation of this support function.

1-3/2018 * MS ActionAid Denmark – ActionAid Nepal
Taking stock of the main MS-AADK supported interventions in Nepal over the past 30 years and the major results of these. Analysing and proposing promising areas for future cooperation between MS-AADK and AAN, within a strategic focus on youth.

01/2016 – 06/2017 * Adam Smith International – Afghanistan
Team Leader, Technical Assistance to Tawanmandi Sector-Based Core Partners. Organisational capacity assessments and capacity building support to five leading CSOs – in sectors of gender and women’s empowerment, peace building and conflict resolution, access to justice, anti-corruption, and human rights.

Rahnuma Learning Paper – Sustaining Support for a Vibrant Afghan Civil S…
Rahnuma Project Learning Paper – Review of Capacity Development Initiati…
Rahnuma Learning Paper – Sector Facilitation by Afghan Civil Society Org…

11/2015 – 01-2017 * Danish People’s Aid – Denmark
Developing monitoring tools to assess progress and results in ‘Life Master’; a project in five Danish towns, aiming at increasing collaboration between volunteers, municipal workers, housing associations, and local leisure time associations concerning engagement of vulnerable children in recreational activities such as sports, nature, music and drama. End evaluation of the project.

02-04/2015 * Volunteer Services Overseas – Zambia
Team Leader on technical consultancy to develop a detailed design of a National Community Based Volunteer Strategy Paper and Policy Paper – and a draft design of a VSO programme of support.

09-12/2014 * Danish People’s Aid Denmark
Developing a new standard format for project descriptions in the organisation, based on Theory of Change methodology. Developed and carried out quality control of project applications based on the new format.

05/2014 * SIND / Disabled Peoples Organisations – Denmark
Evaluated partnership projects by SIND and Mental Health Uganda during 2008-2013.

01-03/2014 * MS Actionaid Arab Regional Initiative – Jordan
Worked as Temporary Head of Administration, based in Amman, Jordan. Management of human resources, finances and administration.

12/2013 * Actionaid Uganda and MS Actionaid Denmark
Evaluation of Gender Strategic Social Accountability Project, implemented by Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda.

11/2013 * CARE Denmark
Participated as resource person in Annual Review of Forest Resources Sector Accountability project.

06/2013 * CARE International in Uganda
Revised the format of the organisation’s Sub-grants / Partnership Grants Agreements.

02/2013 * CARE International in Uganda
Developed guidelines for working with a governance approach.

01/2013 * CARE Denmark
Finalisation of programme document for CARE Uganda’s Forest Resources Sector Transparency (FOREST) programme, financed by CARE Danmark’s Danida NGO grant.

06/2012 * CARE Denmark
Developed project proposal to support war affected youth in Northern Uganda – funding by Danish Telethon and Erik Thune Foundation.

03/2012 * CARE International in Uganda
Developed new Partnership Guidelines, including selecting and adjusting partnership cycle tools.

2009-10 * MS Denmark
Led the process of merging country programmes of MS Nepal and ActionAid Nepal – as part of the MS affiliation with ActionAid International.

08/2008 * Association of International NGOs in Nepal
Contributions to the development of AIN’s Strategic Plan 2008-10.

08/2007 * MS Denmark
Developed new Country Programme Strategy 2008-12 for MS Nepal, with focus on building local democracy, land rights and conflict management & peace building. Subsequent supervision of development and revision of 20 partnership agreements and of reorientation of staff to support the strategy.

12/2004 * Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees
Finalised programme document and funding application for 2005-08 – funding by DANIDA.

10/2001 * Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees
Finalised project application for emergency water and food for Afghanistan – funding by DANIDA.

34-Gulu Nov-Dec 2011 DI pressetur 077